Loving Life- A Guide to a Positive Mindset
My name is Lisa. Join me on a journey of self discovery and development. Discover the importance of positive thinking. Learn the basics of Law of Attraction, and how to implement the principles into daily life to improve your mindset.
I also discuss our subconscious beliefs, how they have such an impact on how we act and what we think about ourselves and the importance of understanding them.
My aim is to help as many people as I can attract more positivity into their lives!
Loving Life- A Guide to a Positive Mindset
80. The Crown Chakra
Welcome to the final instalment in the chakra series! The 7th chakra, the crown chakra (Sahasrara), is all about the spiritual wold, a higher level of thinking, and enlightenment.
It's the 7th because it's the last to be worked on. You must focus on the other 6 in order to activate the Crown, which makes it really special.
If you have enjoyed learning about the chakras, make sure to download my free guide
This is the final week for entering my session giveaway by leaving me a review! So get those reviews in. I will be picking the winner at random on Monday 1st July and announcing on the next episode.
If you want to book a reiki session with me, you can do so here
Don't forget, to celebrate 2 years of Loving Life, I am answering YOUR questions in the next episode. Any question you have, whether it's about anything I've covered on the show, anything you want to know regarding manifesting, even if you just want to be nosey and ask me any questions. Do that by emailing me lisa@lisadavidge.co.uk or DM me on Instagram
Thanks so much, as always, for listening. I'll keep you updated on Hugo when I can
Lots of love
Lisa xxx
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Also you can:
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Sending so much love
Lisa xx